Sunday, August 24, 2008

California Beach Wedding

Las Vegas Helicopter Weddings -
Having bonfires on the beach is somewhat of a state passion in California. Everyone does it. Teenagers do it to sneak away with their friends and drink beer. Their parents do it to catch up with old friends or have family outings. It is legal in many California beaches, and tolerated on most of the rest of them. As long as you are willing to keep your bonfire contained and take precautions to make sure that it doesn't become a runaway forest fire, the Rangers will be happy to let you have it. Because of the state passion for beaches, California beach weddings are extremely popular. I have been a California beach wedding planner for almost a year, and I have never had more business. It's funny, but when I was a wedding planner without a specialty, people were hesitant to come to me. Now that I plan California beach weddings almost exclusively, however, people are flocking to me in droves. They assume that, because I specialize in California beach weddings, I am much better at throwing them than anyone else. I let them believe what they want. It gets me lots of business. The only major drawback to my job is that I have to spend so much time driving. I have become somewhat of an expert in the field. I have been called on to plan Laguna Beach weddings, Santa Cruz weddings, and San Francisco weddings. I have done weddings literally from one end of California all the way to the other. I love doing it. The accommodations on California beaches are great, and they are really reasonable. All I have to do is make the necessary arrangements. California beach campgrounds are always affordable, and beach access in California is ubiquitous and free. Of course, for California beach weddings it can help to reserve a section of beach, but you can get by with just driving to a remote location. Since I started planning California beach weddings, I have one of the easiest jobs that there is. The catering can be a bit of a pain in the neck, but coming up with the right California beach wedding decorations is always fun and easy. Best of all, California beach weddings always put people in a good mood. There is something about having the ocean, along with good friends and good wine, that makes people feel happy with each other. And making people happy is what my job is all about.

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