Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Wedding Photographer

Las Vegas Helicopter Weddings -
Does anyone else hear chapel bells? Okay, maybe that is just in my head. However, there's no doubt that couples are tying the knot every day on this planet. It is just one of those rituals that humans seem to adore. Ah, who am I kidding? It is women! They're the ones that adore them. Typically they have to trap the man somehow so he'll stay in the relationship. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Uh, actually we should steer away from that topic. On to the wedding scene. Now, there are certainly many aspects to a proper wedding ceremony. You have the attire, the cake, the rings, the official, and much more. One of the factors of a wedding that I never truly pondered until it literally hit me was the wedding photographer. Ah ha, have you forgotten about this aspect as well. All I can say is get ready for a bill. I can still recall my wedding ceremony like it was yesterday. In all truth, it was only a year ago. Regardless, I was not that happy about all the bills that went along with it. There were so many more than I imagined. It is hard to believe that so much can be forked out for a wedding. And you might as well forget about that whole "the bride's parents are paying" garbage. That is clearly a concept of the past. My bride's mother hardly wants to pay her own bills. So basically what I'm saying here is that you're on your own. Looking back, i would have to say that the wedding photographer was the worst aspect of the wedding routine. First of all, if you didn't already know, a wedding photographer is expensive. They charge a grand and up for a few pictures. It is kind of ridiculous. Now of course it depends on what quality of pictures you want. Anyway, once we found our wedding photographer, we sent her a 200 dollar deposit as requested. This was a full year before the wedding took place. No problem! We were getting everything set up. It is typical, and we expected it. However, a month down the road she emailed us. Now she wanted a 700 dollar deposit. HUH? This is absurd. The wedding is a year away. We told her to forget it! To make a long story short, we paid at when she actually took the pictures, and everything turned out fine. If you're looking for a decent wedding photographer, I suggest the Internet all the way. This is the best way to research various photographers and see who's available. Make sure you take a glance at their previous work before contacting them.

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